Thursday, February 13, 2025


Gaza Residents Started Their Own Version of Bucket Challenge

As all of you may know that Ice Bucket Challenge has taken world by storm. Ice Bucket Challenge was launched to raise awareness for the ALS disease and to raise fund for ALS Association. But now residents of Gaza, Palestine have launched their own version of Bucket Challenge called Rubble Bucket Challenge, Gaza Bucket Challenge or Dust Bucket Challenge to raise awareness of the extreme living conditions in Gaza.

Ayman Al Aloul, the Palestinian journalist who started the Rubble Bucket Challenge said in his video that I have to do something and to send a message all over the world about Gaza.

According to Emirates247, challenge has taken off on Facebook, Twitter with the tags #RubbleBucketChallenge, #dustbucketchallenge and #GazaBucketChallenge. In this challenge participants filmed themselves tipping rubble out of a bucket over their heads instead of water. As water is very precious resource in Gaza.

Since the video uploaded on internet on Saturday, More than 2,000 people had liked Facebook page and more than 84,000 people has watched the video on YouTube. Ayman al Aloul said that rather than material aid we want people to offer their solidarity and support for the people of Gaza. He aims that with the help of high-profile people taking part in his challenge, he wanted it to be seen as something for all people to take part in. Its for all those who sympathize with the Palestinian people.

Ayman al Aloul ended the video on note, He said: “We do not have water but this is what we have. Perhaps I will not find water to wash up with when I get home.”

Dubai Explorer

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