6 Tips on How to Get Your Website on 1st page of Search Engine
When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), there are many ways to get your website on the 1st page of Google Search Engine Results Page, but most of them are not going to work for all websites.
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Tips to Get Your Website on 1st Page
In this post, I will provide you with some tips that could help you in getting your site on the first page of SERP.
1. Meta Title and Description Still Does Matter
Meta titles and descriptions are still important. The meta title is the first line of text in your website’s header, and it appears at the top of search engine results. It describes what your website is about, so make sure you have something informative and enticing here!
The meta description should provide additional information that you can use to entice people who visit your site from Google or other search engines—this can be a long paragraph or even multiple paragraphs (the length depends on how long you want this section). The meta description usually appears underneath your main content on most pages; however, if there isn’t enough room for both together without overlapping or scrolling off-screen vertically (which would be bad), then only use one section per page instead . . . but do keep both sections in mind when planning future updates!
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2. Write Content for the User, not for Search Engine
If you’re going to write content for search engines, then your writing should be as human as possible. You want to use keywords that are relevant and easy for users to understand.
But don’t overdo it! Don’t just write stuff like “website SEO tips” or “how to get more traffic on your website” because they will only be picked up by the search engine once in a while when someone searches for those terms (if at all). Instead, try using longer phrases that have more meaning for humans but less significance for search engines such as:
- How can I improve my website’s performance?
- What is the best way for me to promote my site?
- Is there anything I can do differently so people will find me/my business online?
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3. Make sure that your website is Mobile Friendly
Make sure that your website is mobile friendly. This is a must, as mobile traffic has grown exponentially in the past few years and it’s only going to increase. As per the Dubai seo specialist, the majority of people now access the Internet through their smart phones and tablets, which means that if you don’t have a responsive website, you will lose out on potential customers who are looking for something specific on their devices.
The best way to check whether or not your site is mobile friendly is by using Google’s test tool: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly . If there are any errors or warnings when checking this page and clicking “Check Results,” then make sure those issues are fixed before launching your new content marketing strategy!
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4. Content is still the king of SEO
No matter how many times we mention content, it would still seem less because it is one of the most important tool for SEO. Content is still the king of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). No matter how many times we mention content, it would still seem less because it is one of the most important tool for SEO.
If you have a blog and have been using it to drive traffic to your site, then this post will help you in getting more organic traffic as well as increase sales on your website. The best way to get organic traffic is by providing quality content on your blog that helps readers find out what they need and want from their life or business.
A faster loading and better navigation site is always loved by users and search engines.
As per the Pune seo specialist, a faster loading and better navigation site is always loved by users and search engines. Users will leave your site if it takes too long to load. Google will also rank your site lower if it takes too long to load as well. The average page load time on a desktop is 2.1 seconds, but this can be significantly reduced with the help of mobile-friendly design (MFD) guidelines and responsive web design (RWD).
MFDs are typically used for making websites mobile-friendly, which means they adapt themselves based on how the user sees them. RWDs change how content appears based on its current size, orientation and location within their environment—the closer they are to one another in terms of orientation or scale, like when browsing from phones versus desktops or laptops versus tablets as opposed to watching TV shows/movies at home instead!
5. Do add Blogs on Your website
Blogging is a great way to build up your brand, authority and credibility. Adding a blogging section to your website will also help you in getting more traffic on your site which will ultimately increase the conversion rate of your website.
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There are plenty of ways to get your website on 1st page of Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP). You just need to choose what works best for you.
It is important to have a website that is easy to navigate and load quickly. There are many factors involved in getting your website on the first page of search engine results, but these tips will help you get there.