Friday, February 7, 2025

Dubai Business

7 Tips to Increase Your Business Social Media Following in Dubai

Social media is becoming an important part of any business’s marketing strategy and most marketers are now using social media regularly. Social media is a very effective, fast, and free channel of promoting your business to your customers. As a business owner, it would be nice to have all the time you need on social media to help grow your social media following. This way you can catch up on the latest trends, engage with your followers, and help develop blogs and video content to help increase your social shares and engagement.

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Social Media in Dubai

According to the latest statistics, 99.26% of the UAE population are active Social Media users. The stats also show that on average Emirati’s spend 2 hours and 56 minutes on social media. Facebook is leading the table with 82% users followed by YouTube(79%), Instagram(53%) and Twitter(41%).

With the help of Social Media, ECommerce in Dubai has become a major industry. Its been reported that more than 62% of people in UAE shop online on a regular basis. And it is expected that online shopping market will reach up to $10 billion by 2020.

That clearly shows the scope of ECommerce in Dubai with the help of powerful social media presence in the country.

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Tips to Increase Social Media Following

However, this isn’t mostly the case and your following won’t grow as your business grows you have to put more effort. The only way to increase your social following is social consistency. Online users first look at your numbers before deciding if they should follow you or not. You also look at your numbers as a determining factor to your product’s success even though it doesn’t determine the quality of your brand, it still matters.
So, the question is how do you grow your social media following?

1. Choose the Right Social Media Platform

Choose Right Social Media Platform

Every social media platform has different features that cater to different users and you need to understand what a platform does, how it’s used, and if it will benefit your business. You need to find out which social platforms your target audience uses so that you can have a better chance of connecting and engaging with them. If the majority of your target audience are Facebook users, you should have more social media presence on Facebook. Creating ads that attract the attention of your target audience will encourage more clicks, more engagement, and the best part is you can sell to them directly. Before picking a media platform do your research and make sure the platform you choose is where your target audience frequent.

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2. Make Your Brand Follow-Worthy

Make your Brand

People don’t just want to follow a particular brand for the sake of following, but they need to find a reason why. If your brands contain a lot of flashy ads and content, it won’t attract brand-loyal followers. Majority of the young people follow a brand and are willing to spend more on its products if it’s a sustainable brand that is socially responsible. According to research, many social media users want to follow brands that speak on matters that are affecting their lives like political and social issues.

3. Use Paid Advertising

Paid Social Media Marketing

Getting organic views on social media is becoming very difficult because most platforms want you to pay to play. Social media marketing is an efficient and cost-effective way of engaging with your existing and new customers. Most of the marketers use Facebook advertising because most of the people use Facebook. Advertising on Facebook not only helps you specify your target audience demographic, but you can also specify their purchasing behavior, finance, interests, behaviors, etc. and now that Facebook owns Instagram, but you can also boost the views of an uploaded video with 50 Instagram followers to gain more views and following.

4. Follow Other Influencers, Brands, and Users

Follow Top Influencers on Social Media

The purpose of growing your social following is so that you can engage your brand with real and authentic people and following other socially-conscious brands is a good place to start. However, that doesn’t mean you subscribe to different brands just for the fun of it. Most social platforms will recommend that you follow people you know and brands that relate to your interests. You can choose a few you can send a quick message which will start a relationship with that particular influencer. This gives you credibility with your audience as you establish a following.

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5. Post Quality and the Right Type of Content

Post Quality Content

According to research certain types of content can boost your organic reach. Mix the content you post from news items, blog posts, industry trends, and occasional promotional posts but don’t overdo it. You can schedule when to post some of your high-quality posts instead of overwhelming your followers with dozens of posts per day. Make sure that the posts you share with your followers are valuable to them and offer solutions to problems they might have.
It should be content they can share with family and friends which will help you gain followers. People share content because it makes them feel involved, entertains them, and helps them to express themselves. Also including visual content to your posts is far much better than plain text. Adding images in your tweets can increase engagement than tweets without.

6. Join Social Communities

Join Social Media Communities

Being a member of a social group or community gives you a good opportunity of getting potential followers. Being active in a group provides an opportunity for you to share your content, your company’s core values, share insights, etc. that will make the members follow you. You can also host chats like on Twitter to engage with others and build a following. If people in the group see that you’re genuinely being helpful with your insight and input, they will follow you. However, don’t join a group to self-promote or force people to follow you.

7. Use Hashtags

Use Hashtags in Social Media

Most of the conversation on Twitter revolves around using hashtags which is a very effective way of moving the conversation at a faster speed. Using hashtags on your social media sites will help people easily find topics they’re interested in. Post helpful hashtags that will help people get real content but don’t overdo it. These are helpful if you want to respond to questions asked or to check on what other people are doing.

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Final Thoughts

Getting authentic followers takes time because you have to focus on sharing valuable content, your brand’s message, and leveraging on influencers. You also need to focus on the right time to post content that is unique, relevant and engaging with your followers, influencers, and other brands so that you can gain organic reach. This way even with time constraints, you will be able to establish your brand and have an authoritative voice in your niche which is a good thing for your business.

Dubai Explorer

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