Friday, February 7, 2025

Shopping in Dubai

Simple Ways to Save Money on Weekly Purchases

People across the world spend money very frequently. Many people spend money to have fun. They’ll go on vacations, enjoy a nice evening at a restaurant, or buy that special item from their “want” list. People also spend money on essential items in their lives. They’ll use a credit card to pay for gasoline, purchase groceries, and pay their utility bills.

With all of this spending, there are fortunately ways that you can save money. The great thing is it’s not difficult at all to do this. What we’ll focus on today are simple ways to save money on your weekly purchases.

Also Read: 10 Smart Ways to Save Money in Dubai While Shopping Online

Credit Cards

Weekly Purchases from Credit Card

When you shop during the week, a great option is to shop with a specific set of credit cards. Sure, when you use a credit card, it might affect your credit score. In addition to this, any new purchases that you make will have to be paid for eventually when you make your credit card payments. Credit cards, though, can prevent you from paying for weekly purchases with out-of-pocket funds. Say, for instance, you sign up for a new card. You’ve done your homework on what are the best balance transfer credit cards in Canada. A balance transfer credit card provides a simpler way of paying off your credit. Such a card also helps to prevent you from paying back hundreds of dollars of interest payments every month.

These types of credit cards provide you with available credit so that you can make purchases on products that you need. When you use a new credit card to pay for weekly expenses such as groceries, you’re saving money in the long run. You’ll eventually have to pay back the card issuer for the use of your credit card. In the short term though, on a weekly basis, you’ll be able to save money on purchases.

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Money Date

Sometimes, one of the best ways of figuring out how to save money is to sit down and plan. We find ourselves so busy in our daily lives that simply sitting down seems to be a daunting task. This can’t be the case when your finances are involved. Taking the time to set a “money date” can help with figuring out how to save money on weekly purchases. Once a week, take the time to sit down to review your finances.

If you’re married, involve your spouse in this process. During your “money date” review your budget, assess your bank accounts and track your progress in reaching your financial goals. Digging deep into your weekly finances can help alleviate any money worries. When you don’t take the time to figure out your finances, it can hurt you in the long run. Imagine running out to pick up a set of gel press on nails, or maybe heading to a nail salon for a manicure. You don’t want your credit card to be declined because you didn’t take the time to see what state your finances were in. Setting a money date can help to save money on purchases throughout the week.

Also Read: Best Coupon Websites in UAE to Hunt Deals and Discount Vouchers


Work from Home

Though we may feel that there’s not enough time in the day, the opposite is often true. If you find yourself with a bit of free time in your life, why not use that time productively? Work more. If you can pick up a gig where you can work from the comfort of your home, do it. This will bring in extra income to your household. When you’re working, you also don’t have free time to spend money.

This extra money can be used to help pay for weekly expenses like gas money, and groceries. Secondly, you can use this additional money to pay off any debts which you might have incurred on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. For instance, imagine being able to pay down the credit card balance for a new credit card sooner rather than later. You won’t have to worry any longer about your APR period, and you’ll maintain good credit as a credit card user. Making extra money is one of the many perks of taking on extra work, in addition to helping you save money on your weekly purchases.

Dubai Explorer

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