Thursday, September 12, 2024

Living in Dubai

Things you should know before keeping a Betta Fish in Dubai

Betta fish, also known as “Siamese fighting fish,” are brightly colored and highly sought after to keep as household pets. They are beautiful, and as pet owners, you would require specific measures to look after them. Here are some steps, even veterinarians would agree upon, through which you can offer better care of your betta fish.

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Creating the Perfect Environment for you Little Beauties

Getting the right home for your betta fish is essential for it to thrive and grow. Most of the times, people get small bowls and throw in their fish in the cramped up space. The problem with this is that the little pet is unable to exhibit its regular activities. Your betta fish would generally require a 5-gallon tank. A tank this size would offer enough space for the fish to swim around, which would help reduce toxins’ buildup. You can get glass or acrylic tanks for your betta fish.

How Much Decoration is Enough for Your Fish?

As pet owners, we tend to go the extra mile by adding things to their homes to make it beautiful. However, keep in mind that what all these add-ons are doing is take away the living space. You can put a few things here and there to mimic the natural habitat but limit the temptation to add too much. Also, take care not to place sharp objects as they could harm the delicate fins.

You can add gravels, which absorb waste. Healthy plants can either be plastic or natural, but always keep in mind that betta fish need enough space to thrive.

The Ideal Water Temperature

Here is the thing, your betta fish is a tropical fish. It means that the water temperature should be up to a specific range, i.e., 76°F to 81°F. If the water temperature goes higher or lower than this, it will affect your pet fish’s overall growth.

As betta fish require warm temperatures, it would be a good idea to install a heater.

Fish Diet

Here is a fun fact, ‘bettas cannot live by nibbling on the roots of the plants.’ They are carnivores and feed on insect larvae and tiny insects. In the wild, betta fish may eat anything from insects, worms, and even small crustaceans. Make sure you are feeding a protein-rich diet.

Betta fish can be overfed too and may become bloated. They can also become obese. Thus it is crucial to keep the portions in check. Feeding them twice a day would be enough. Care should also be taken not to mix different kinds of food items in one portion.

Ensure that there is no leftover as they would remain inside the tank and rot, it will contribute to ammonia levels rising. Check out this guide from Aquariumfishcity if you want to learn more about how to keep your betta healthy and safe from ammonia poisoning.

Filtration System

As we know that toxins can build up over time, you would need a filtration system. When you buy one, keep in mind to get a low-flow filter so that your fish don’t get injured. Betta fish have delicate fins, and you run the risk of damaging them with the filter’s suction.

What kind of water would suit your Betta fish?

You might be tempted to use tap water for your pet fish. However, tap water contains chemicals that could harm them. Chemical substances like chlorine, chloramines, and in some cases, heavy metals can make it sick if you plan on using tap water use, de-chlorinating agents. You should also check if your tap water has heavy metals.
You can also use bottled water for your fish as you can be sure that they don’t contain harmful substances. Avoid using distilled water as, unlike bottled water, they don’t have any essential minerals for your fish to grow.
Finally, the ph level of the water should be about 6.8 and 7. It would help if you had your water tested before you put your betta fish into its new environment. Also, rinse off the gravels or decorative items as they may contain chemicals that could harm the fish.

Should you add other species together with your Betta?

These fish are territorial and are better left alone. They would end up attacking the other creatures and harm each other. However, if you have enough space in the tank and feel the need to add more, you can put snails, ghost shrimp, and certain fish species with your betta fish.

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Keeping a betta fish as a bet can be fun. As you spend more time with it, you’ll gain new insights which will help you look after it better.

Dubai Explorer

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