Thursday, January 16, 2025

Living in Dubai

How to Install Artificial Grass from GR Landscape in Dubai

Do you wonder how to deal with the issues of grass? No doubt the freshness and the softness of natural grass are unmatchable but it is quite hard to maintain the health of natural grass. Due to hectic routines and work, no one has time to water their lawn grass every day. So the advancement in the landscape brings the opportunity for artificial grass. It looks pretty and decent. It has its perks. Without considering the weather conditions you can place it anywhere. Along with that, in some places, people face the issue of discontinued grass growth. To solve these types of issues, artificial grass is mostly used. To get the feel of the garden inside your house you can use artificial grass and can set up a great site to cheer and relax. Here in this blog, I would try my best to discuss the method of artificial grass installation in detail.

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There are a few arrangements that you need to do before installing your artificial grass. The preparation of land is extremely important. You have to consider numerous things. Some of them are listed below:

  • After using the gravel soak it in water which you use for building the initial base.
  • Remove the grass and weeds. So that they won’t do any harm to the newly installed artificial grass.
  • Even out the surface by removing extra rocks and bigger stones.
  • Apply the final base layer without deteriorating the first one.
  • To get a smooth and even surface, compact the base layers
  • Check out the drainage system properly.

Now your land is ready for the procedure of how to install artificial grass.

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Process of Artificial Grass Installation

Process of Artificial Grass Installation

The process of artificial grass installation needs expertise and experience. Even you have to maintain the health of your artificial grass too. The process of installation of artificial grass is not much complicated but requires deep knowledge and understanding. Now I am going to guide you about the whole process.

1. Cleaning and Planning

Firstly, you need to clean the place where you want to install your artificial grass. Before cleaning, plan out your working area. Choose the area where water pipes and cables are below the digging depth. In the cleaning of the area, you have to wipe out the turf to the death of 2 inches and then move towards cleaning the stones and bricks. Large stones and substances can play their part in deteriorating the beauty of your place so make sure to remove them on your first move. After cleaning, lay down the type 1 stone base.

2. Edging System

If there are no perimeters to support the product, then you need to install an edging system. Different type of edging is available. With the help of a hammer and piece of wood, knock down the edging into the soil. But make sure to leave 3 cm exposed at least.

3. Base Preparation

Now it’s time to lay the base. For applying the base, place 6mm of granite dust. To get a smooth area, use timber. By dragging sand and dust with the help of timber you can get a smooth area. For larger imperfections, hardcore is mostly used.

4. Weed Membrane

The fourth step includes the application of weed membrane. To secure the health of your artificial grass weed membrane is applied. In the arrangement of the weed membrane, at every 0.75 m around the perimeter 4 inches of galvanized steel nails are placed. The weed membrane prevents water drainage. If any waste membrane is crossing nearby, then trim it off. By attaching to gaffer tape you can join and overlap the edges.

5. Placement of Artificial Grass

The fifth step involves the laying of artificial grass. Unroll your artificial turf and place it nicely over the smooth surface covered with a weed membrane. Make sure about the position of the weed membrane. Don’t drag the weed membrane here or there. After placing the turf nicely, trim the edges. For trimming, change the blade every 3-5 meters so that the strength of the blade won’t go worse.

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Applying Kiln Sand

Kiln Sand for Artificial Grass

Apply kiln sand to the turf by using a stiff brush or lawn fertilizer spreader. It is recommended to add 6-8 kg of sand per square meter. This step can be done on a dry day or the same day. This step is important as it adds freshness and gives your place a very natural fine look. After doing all the necessary work, brush the pile before and after so that they can appear aesthetic.

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It is recommended you place your artificial grass on a wooden or concrete surface where the drainage system is good. An ideal drainage system is required for the proper maintenance of artificial grass. Soil bases come up with a lot of complications that’s why it is not preferable for such purposes.

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The trends of artificial grass are now increasing. People often like to place artificial grass in their houses. To add beauty to a dull corner of the house, artificial grass installation is now done. The world is evolving at a faster pace and the mind of people are flooded with ideas. The maintenance of artificial grass is way easier than the maintenance of natural grass. But the installation of artificial grasses is not a left-hand game. It requires attention and great use of instruments. During the installation of artificial grass, different types of instruments are used. Some of them are:

  • Turf Cutter
  • Shovel
  • Nails
  • Tape
  • Hammer
  • Knife
  • Broom brush
  • Plate compactor

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Artificial Grass Installation Cost

Artificial Grass Installation Cost

The process of artificial grass installation requires sheer hard work and sweat. The process of installation is also expensive but by considering a few things you can minimize the cost-effectively. The few things that can help you in reducing your budget consist of:

  • Waste material
  • Subbase material
  • Seaming system
  • Tools

Subbase is the base place down your artificial grass. The primary focus of the subbase is to protect the health of your artificial grass by preventing the natural expansion and contraction of soil present in your yard. Mostly three components are mainly used for this purpose:

  • Crushed miscellaneous base
  • Decomposed granite
  • Class II road base

The purpose is efficiently fulfilled by decomposed granite. Most professionals prefer decomposed granite. But the problem is that decomposed granite is expensive and costs a lot. So to enjoy the perks of granite within minimum cost we have a remedy. We only need a base of granite so we can use a thin layer of granite underneath the artificial turf and fulfil the rest space with the inexpensive crushed miscellaneous base and class II road base. By doing this your cost will decrease to a greater level and you won’t even see any difference in the results. While for some installations, this remedy won’t work so consult your turf installer before planning to skim with the subbase material.


During grass installation, pieces of turfs are seamed together. For this purpose seaming tape, glue and nails are mostly used. The cost of seaming tape and glue is much more compared to the nails. So by replacing glue with nails you can reduce the cost of this process considerably.


In the replacement of high-tech advanced tools, you can use manual tools that are inexpensive and easily available. In the replacement of a sod cutter for a pick-axe, the use of a hand compactor in the replacement of a plate compactor, and the use of a carpet knife in the replacement of a turf cutter.

4. Waste Management

The process of artificial grass installation is technical and needs your sweat. If you are a hardworking person then you can do it by yourself by following the complete guide. The installation of artificial turf is the only delicate task. Cutting turf by keeping into consideration the edges is the step at which you require experience. As a nonprofessional, the chances of turf waste increases tremendously. While professionals of gardeners know about the perfect cuts and edges linked with artificial grass installation. To reduce your cost-effectively you also need to hire an expert. Only an expert can guide you about the sub-base that can work for you. In the case of tools, you can even rent them out. And if you want to save the rent then you can perform your task by using manual tools.

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The role of quality of artificial grass is negligible. Almost all types are fine to use. But the proper placement of artificial grass is necessary for the aesthetic outlook. For having a bright corner at your house with freshness and coolness you need to do a bit of hard work and research. Polythene is mainly used in the formation of artificial grass. Improper placement of artificial grass can create several issues for you. The issue of smell is real. Improper drainage system leads to a smelly garden and deteriorates the beauty of your place. Along with that, artificial grass is a source of contamination too. due to the issues of contamination, necessary arrangements should be made during the Artificial Grass installation to clean up the place.

Dubai Explorer

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